
My family and I have been very blessed to have Dr. Mark as a close friend for several years now, he’s part of our family. Back in March of 2020, my mother had A-fib, her heart valve flaps were not working, she had been in and out of the hospital on several occasions. She was misdiagnosed by a local cardiologist and had to change hospitals as her condition continued to worsen and her oxygen levels would drop into the low to mid 80’s making it very difficult for her to breath, she was 79 at the time. She felt that she was close to death. Dr. Mark had soon arrived from Uganda and came to see her. He immediately said he did not sense that her time was near and prayed for deliverance and healing, for long life. The words of hope that he shared in that moment was exactly what my mother needed. She ended up having open heart surgery in May. Now, 3 years later, she’s 82, and going strong, praise God 🙌. We are so thankful to Dr. Mark for giving us his love, support, encouragement, and hope. We love you, Dr. Mark.

-Tina Blades, Central Florida

I truly am honored to know Dr. Mark Kitende. I had the pleasure of ministering under Dr. Mark for 7 months in Uganda. During this time he was not only a mentor but a father to me. I look up to him so much, his patience but dilegence in pushing me closer to God and encouraging me to be bolder has been instrumental in who I am today. I can honestly say that Dr. Mark Kitende’s ministry has been key in and will be something that continues to change my life. I am forever greatful to this God-loving family and their willingness to walk in faith and in boldness. My prayer life has been challenged, my faith has grown, and my walk has changed. Thank you, Papa Mark.

-Madison, Central Florida

I joined Worship Tabernacle Church when my husband was far from God in 2015. Now as I speak my husband is born again! God bless Pastor Mark.

-Diana, Uganda

It has been my great pleasure and honor to know Dr Mark Kitende. His example and knowledge of spiritual has been insightful and effective in dealing with spiritual issues, both evil and good. I personally have benefited by his prayer example many times as he has stayed in my home and we have ministered together in various places, both in the US and in Uganda.

As a host to his ministry and country, he set an exemplary example beginning by picking me up at the airport in Entebbe at 4 am in the morning over an hour away from his destination. He took extra care considering my first trip to Africa and planned ahead for my every need.

In the US, he has operated with utmost integrity and sensitivity with every opportunity to share the gospel with hope, prayer, and spiritual warfare. I have learned firsthand that he can be trusted in every level of engagement with our churches and our friends.

For me personally, he has continued to encourage me and the work both here and abroad and given me opportunity to minister alongside him. He is a friend, a co-laborer, and a brother in Christ.

-Michael, Central Florida

I thank God for Pastor Mark Kitende. Ever since I met him, many things have happened in my life, my prayer life, my fasting. He took me to bible college, taught me how to preach and raised me up to become a leader. He is like a father to me and my family. He’s not only like that to me but also to others. I thank God for him. Dr, Pastor Mark Kitende we’re proud of you. May God bless you.

-Esther, Uganda

“I would like to share from a different perspective. My bonus daughter (My husbands daughter) spent 7 months under direct care and supervision of Dr. Kitende’s ministry in Uganda. While in Uganda, she was in a position to witness first hand the movement of the Spirit and stewardship of the vision given to Dr. Kitende. It is not an easy task to allow someone so precious to you to embark on an extended international mission, however the peace of our decision far outweighed any concern.

We know, first hand, the monetary support goes towards the spiritual and physical needs of the ministry, including meeting the needs of others. Our daughters presence was respected because Dr. Kitende is well respected. This is a true testament to his character and desire to represent the Kingdom well.”

Tammy, Central Florida

Before I knew Christ I used drugs such as marijuana, inhaling car fuel and drinking spirits. Now I am delivered and born again and am even playing drums in the worship team! Praise God for Pastor Mark.

-Serwadda Gabriel, Uganda

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